Dr Asvi Warman Adam
was born in Bukittinggi, Sumatra, in 1954 and is currently Research Professor (Peneliti Utama) at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). He studied and taught in Paris 1884-1990 and from 1993 has held various positions at LIPI, include Deputy Director of the Program of Southeast Asian Studies. In 2003 he was appointed to the team established by the Indonesian Commission for Human Right (Komnas HAM) to investigate human rights violations by ex President Soeharto.
He was a strong interest in history and memory and particularly Indonesia’s self understanding of its history and how is presented in official discourse and through mechanisms as such as the education system. In this context he spoke at a symposium in Portugal held in 2000 on “East Timor, Indonesia and the Region: Perception of History and Prospects for the Future” and in Indonesia also in 2000 at an international conference in Jakarta on “The History of the Relations between Indonesia and Portugal”. He has contributed to workshops on many issue including impunity, the establishment of a truth commission in Indonesia, history and memory, creating archives. He spoke in CAVR Public Hearing “Self Determination and the International Community”, Dili, Timor Leste, 15-17 march 2004.
Amongst other writings, he is responsible for the Encyclopedia Britannica entry on “Indonesian history” and contributions regarding the momentous events of 1965. He has published several books: 1) Pelurusan Sejarah Indonesia (Yogyakarta, Ombak, 2004), 2) Suharto: Sisi Gelap Sejarah Indonesia (Yogyakarta, Ombak, 2004), 3) Menggugat Historiografi Indonesia (with Bambang Purwanto, Yogyakarta, Ombak, 2005, 4) Seabad Kontroversi Sejarah (Yogyakarta, Ombak, 2007), 5) Membedah Tokoh Sejarah (Hidup atau Mati) (Yogyakarta, Ombak, 2009), 6 Membongkar Manipulasi Sejarah, (Jakarta, Penerbit Buku Kompas, 2009), 7) Biografi Sarwono Prawirohardjo (Jakarta, LIPI Press, 2009), 8) 1965: Orang-Orang di Balik Tragedi (Yogyakarta, Galangpress, 2009), 9) Menguak Misteri Sejarah (Jakarta, Penerbit Buku Kompas, 2010), 10) Sukarno Dibunuh Tiga Kali (Jakarta, Penerbit buku Kompas, 2010).
Wijaya Herlambang
Completed his PhD in 2011 at the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies of the University of Queensland, Australia. His research interests include political violence in Indonesia, modern Indonesian literature, culture and foreign infiltration in Indonesian politics.
His book Kekerasan Budaya Pasca 1965: Bagaimana Orde Baru Melegitimasi Anti-komunisme melalui Sastra dan Film (2013) has been widely accepted as one of the most influential academic works on the development of Indonesian modern culture. He currently works as a lecturer at Gunadarma Universty, Jakarta, as well as member of International Steering Committee of the International People’s Tribunal on Crime Against Humanity in Indonesia 1965.
Bradley Simpson
Asistant Professor of History and International Studies at Princeton Universtity and author od Economics with Guns : Authoritarian Developmen and US-Indonesian Relations, 1960 -1968. He is also researcher a global history of self-determination, exploring its political, cultural and legal descent through post 1945 US foreign relations and international politics.
Founder and director of a project at he non-profit National Security Archive to declassify U.S. government documents concerning Indonesia and East Timor during the reign of General Suharto (1966-1998). This project will serve as the basis for a study of U.S.-Indonesian-international relations from 1965 to 1999, exploring how the international community’s embrace of an authoritarian regime in Indonesia shaped development, civil-military relations, human rights and Islamic politics.
Recent essays and reviews of him are in International History Review, Cold War History, Reviews in American History, Diplomatic History, The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Critical Asian Studies, and Peace and Change. He was featured in the recent Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio documentary Accomplices in Atrocity; The Indonesian Killings of 1965.