Prof. Dr. Todung Mulya Lubis S.H, LL.M
is one of Indonesia’s leading human rights lawyers and most influential legal thinkers. He completed his undergraduate Law degree at the University of Indonesia (1974) ; his LLM at the University of California , Berkeley ; a second LLM at Harvard Law School ; and his JSD at the University of California , Berkeley. He has been a senior Adjunct Member of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia since 1990, where he was first appointed in 1975. From 1980-1983, he was Director of Indonesia’s famous dissident NGO, the Legal Ad Foundation, where he worked for many years. His influential1983 scholarly book In Search of Human Rights: Legal-Political Dilemmas of Indonesia’s New Order 1966-1990 played an important role in defining democratic thinking about human rights in Indonesia. He is also Founding and Senior Partner of a prominent law firm in Jakarta and has been lead counsel in a number of major human rights cases, often on a pro bono basis. These include acting for the Bali Nine in an attempt to convince Indonesia’s Constitutional Court to abolish the death sentence and against President Soeharto . He has also held a series of senior government appointments. In 2014, he was appointed as Honorary Professor at the Melbourne Law School,The University of Melbourne and Doctor HC from Murdoch University.

Silke Studzinsky

Silke StudzinskyFrom 2013 until 2015, Silke Studzinsky was the Legal Adviser to the Trust Fund for Victims at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. From 2008 until 2012, Silke worked for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Cambodia as Civil Party Lawyer before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and as Senior Legal Advisor to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal programs of the Cambodian Human Rights Organization ‘ADHOC’ and ‘Legal Aid of Cambodia’.

Since 1990, Silke has been working as a criminal defense lawyer and as a legal representative for civil parties before criminal courts. One of her main working areas is fostering the rights of victims of sexualized violence,

sexual abuse, trafficking and (racial) discrimination in and outside of courtrooms.

Silke organized and participated in several human rights missions, trial observations and delegations in Turkey, Spain, Greece, Israel, South Korea and Kashmir.

She is admitted as counsel at the Berlin Bar (1990), at the International Criminal Court at The Hague (2006).and at the Cambodian Bar (2008).
Silke completed her First and Second State Exams in law in Berlin, Germany.

Agustinus Agung Wijaya

Have 15 years experiences in research and advocacy: human rights, democratic and governance, conflict resolution and peace building process, deradicalism issue. He wa researcher in, strategic Studies Coordinator in Demos, Human Rights and Democracy Center Studies, Consultant in UNDP Aceh, Program and Research Director in Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), and

Assistant Program Director in Australia Indonesia Partnership for

Decentralization (AIPD)

Sri Suparyati

She is currently serves as Deputy Coordinator of KontraS, a leading Indonesian human rights organization working for justice for victims of enforced disappearance and violence in Indonesia. Ms. Suparyati has worked with KontraS since March 1999 in various capacities, including as the head of the legal division, advocacy division, and human rights policy division. Ms. Suparyati is a practicing member of the Indonesian Bar Association, and holds a Masters of Law from The University of Hull in England. She has extensive expertise in transitional justice, and criminology and human rights.

Antarini Arna

is a human rights defender and researcher, she served as the country prosecutor for the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan’s Sexual Slavery (2000) and  people’s lawyer of the Asia-Pacific People’s Tribunal on Asian Development Bank (2009). Her research interest include gender and human rights, Children in contact with the Law, and  modernity and human rights.

Uli Parulian Sihombing

He was the public Interest Lawyer LBH Jakarta, a visiting lecturer on human rights  at Swiss-German University (SGU) . Since 2010 work in BSD Tangerang and Indonesian Legal Resource Center (ILRC).

Bahrain Makmun

Is a Human Rights Defender. Since 2012 he is working as Director of Advocacy and Campaign for The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI).