Mass Grave in Indonesia
Approximate between from 500 000 to 3 million of people in Indonesia have been killed by Soeharto's regimes and buried somewhere in the wood distributed.
Approximate between from 500 000 to 3 million of people in Indonesia have been killed by Soeharto's regimes and buried somewhere in the wood distributed.
Orang Solo dan sekitarnya menyebutnya Kreteg Bacem (Jembatan Bacem), terletak di selatan Kota Solo, Jawa Tengah, di bawahnya mengalir anak sungai Bengawan Solo. Sudah menjadi rahasia umum, bahwa pada peristiwa 1965/1966 jembatan ini menjadi tempat pembunuhan dan pembuangan mayat orang-orang PKI atau yang dianggap PKI, namun mereka diam dan tak pernah memperbincangkannya, karena ketakutan. Setelah lebih [...]
Executioners from Indonesia's dark past speak out for the first time to reveal a chilling and bloody truth the country now has to face. 101 East speaks exclusively to some of those who participated in the systematic murder of millions. Soft launching International People's Tribunal 1965 by Saskia Wieringa and Nursyahbani Katjasungkana