Australia’s biggest contribution to the army’s anti-communist campaign was broadcasting and supporting Indonesian army propaganda.
[Marlene Millott]
Keterlibatan Australia
Telah ditetapkan bahwa Australia juga menjalankan operasi propaganda canggih, dengan informasi yang menguntungkan bagi tentara Indonesia yang disampaikan oleh Kedutaan Besarnya di Jakarta ke Canberra dan disebarluaskan oleh berbagai media termasuk Radio Australia. Penelitian terbaru mencatat bahwa Departemen Luar Negeri Australia selalu menaruh “minat” dengan cara Radio Australia melaporkan kejadian di Indonesia, dan bahwa setelah 30 September, Departemen tersebut “menerima dan bertindak” berdasarkan petunjuk dari Dutaan Besar Australia di Jakarta, Keith Shann, yang pada gilirannya “menerima petunjuk dari tentara Indonesia mengenai bagaimana mereka menginginkan situasi di Indonesia
dilaporkan”. Departemen Luar Negeri Australia berusaha mengarahkan Radio Australia dalam persoalan ini, dan juga sukses dalam “meyakinkan para redaktur koran [Australia] untuk melaporkan dan menyampaikan opini dengan cara yang peka terhadap kekhawatiran Departemen tersebut.”91
Penelitian lain memaparkan secara rinci bagaimana Shann didekati pada 9 November 1965 “oleh seorang kolonel yang tidak disebutkan namanya dari Bagian Informasi tentara, yang mengatakan padanya bahwa Radio Australia seharusnya ‘menyebut kelompok pemuda dan organisasi-organisasi lainnya, baik Muslim maupun Kristen, sesering mungkin’ yang terlibat dalam tindakan anti-komunis (dengan demikian jelas berharap untuk mengaburkan kesalahan tentara).” Dia juga mendiskusikan sebuah daftar masalah internal dan eksternal untuk dilaporkan, yang akan menyokong tentara.
Shann menyimpulkan laporannya ke Canberra “dengan komentar bahwa ia dapat ‘hidup dengan sebagian besar dari hal ini, bahkan meski kita harus bersikap sedikit tidak jujur sementara waktu”.
Radio Australia juga diminta untuk menghindari ‘memberikan informasi kepada rakyat Indonesia yang akan dipotong oleh media internal yang dikontrol tentara’, untuk mencegah posisi tentara menjadi goyah.”92 Harus dicatat bahwa pasukan Australia juga telah mengambil bagian dalam operasi di Borneo melawan serangan militer Indonesia
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Laporan Akhir Pengadilan Rakyat Internasional 1965
Laporan Akhir Pengadilan Rakyat Internasional 1965
Accompliceto atrocity? – Marlene Millott [Inside Indonesia]
Australia’s biggest contribution to the army’s anti-communist campaign was broadcasting and supporting Indonesian army propaganda. The army seized control of virtually all of Indonesia’s media after the attempted coup. It began an aggressive and pervasive anti-PKI campaign, spreading dangerous disinformation to discredit and dehumanise the communists. During the time of the killings, Radio Australia was under the guidance of the Department of External Affairs. Its foreign broadcasts reached most parts of the Indonesian archipelago. The department in turn received instruction from the Indonesian army via the embassy. By means of this regular daily guidance, Radio Australia fed the Indonesian population an Indonesian army-approved political narrative that, Shann said, ‘should [be thumped] into Indonesians’ as much as possible. Shann asserted that Radio Australia’s broadcasts were ‘excellent propaganda and of assistance to the anti-PKI forces’ who were ‘refreshingly determined to do over the PKI’. He encouraged them to ‘highlight reports tending to discredit the PKI and to show its involvement in… the 30th September movement’.
Evidence shows that Radio Australia was not just encouraged to drill certain ‘facts’ into Indonesian heads. It was also instructed to report manipulations of the truth as if they were facts, in line with Indonesian army requests. On 9 November 1965, Shann cabled that he had been approached by an unnamed colonel from the army’s Information Section, who told him that Radio Australian should ‘mention as often as possible youth groups and other organisations, both Moslem and Christian’ that were involved in anti-communist actions (thus clearly hoping to dilute the army’s culpability). He also discussed a list of other internal and external issues to be reported that would favour the army. Shann concluded thecable with the comment that he could ‘live with most of this, even if we must be a bit dishonest for a while’. Radio Australia was also told to avoid ‘giving information to the Indonesian people that would be withheld by the army-controlled internal media’, to avoid compromising the army’s position.
Australia’s role in the 1965-66 communist massacres in Indonesia – Marlene Millott
Cables show that the Australian Embassy was aware that communists were being rounded up and killed from early October 1965. The Australian ambassador to Indonesia, Keith Shann, “personally witnessed” around 250 prisoners being taken away by the army, and noted that it was impossible to know the number of people killed and detained, but “it cannot be small”. In February 1966, J.M. Starey, the first secretary at the Australian Embassy, visited Bali, Flores and Timor, and spoke to Australian students who had been in Lombok. He heard first-hand accounts of the killings by people who had participated in them, and in Flores even saw victims’ heads on spikes in some villages. Starey noted that the armywas in control of the proceedings. The Australian Embassy and Department of External Affairs made it clear they were satisfied with these events. In early October 1965, ambassador Shann cabled the department saying that it was “now or never”, and that he “devoutly hope[d]” that “the army [would] act firmly” against the PKI. In mid-1966, prime minister Harold Holt expressed detached satisfaction with the pro-Western shift in Indonesian foreign and economic policy. He casually told the crowd at the Australian-American Association in New York,
“with 500,000 to one million Communist sympathisers knocked off, I think it is safe to assume a reorientation has taken place”.
Sejauhmana Australia terlibat dalam pembantaian massal tahun 1965? _ Rappler Indonesia
Peran Australia paling besar dalam tragedi 1965 adalah membantu propaganda militer Indonesia lewat penyiaran
AustralianReporting of the Indonesian Killings of 1965-66: the media as a ‘first roughdraft of history’ – Ross Tapsell
The Great Killings in Indonesia through the Australian mass media
Richard Tanter
JoshuaOppenheimer On ‘The Look Of Silence’ And Australia’s Role In The IndonesianGenocide – LAUREN CARROLLHARRIS
Keterlibatan AS, Inggris, Australia Dalam Genosida 65
Petikan Kesaksian (terjemahan Indonesia) Bradley Simpson – Associate Professor di bidang Sejarah pada University of Connecticut – Amerika Serikat. sebagai saksi ahli untuk memaparkan keterlibatan pemerintah asing dalam pembunuhan massal 1965-67 di Indonesia dan sidang IPT 1965
Keterlibatan Negara Lain Dalam Pembunuhan Massal 1965 – Hasil IPT 65
Bradley Simpson about western complicity in the mass murder 1965-66 in Indonesia (rekaman video kesaksian saksi ahli Bradley Simpson lengkap)
The blackening of the PKI by Shann, Gilchrist, and Green was undertaken not only to contribute to the demise of Sukarno and Indonesian communism but also as a means to promote the Indonesian army as a government in waiting. The justification for theiractions was that the Australians, British, and Americans seized a necessary opportunity to help destroy the PKI and Sukarno after 30 September 1965. The greatest weakness of such a justification is that the so-called reorientation of Indonesia back toward the West is of greater strategic and political significance than the criminal massacres that made this political outcome certain. The idea that 800,000 peasants and alleged sympathizers without any knowledge of, let alone connections to, the events of 1 October 1965 could be tortured, killed, imprisoned, and consigned to the dustbin of Cold War history is an untenable ethical and historical proposition. Divorced from the anti-Communist ideological edifies, the historical record shows that, supported by their respective governments, Shann, Gilchrist, and Green had intimate and even complicit connections to one of the most significant mass atrocities of the twentieth century.
Polluting the Waters A brief history of anti-communist propaganda during the Indonesian Massacres. Genocide Studies International Volume 8, Number 2, Fall 2014, University of Toronto Press, pp. 153-175. Adam Hughes Henry – Australian National University
Hakim IPT Sebut Amerika, Inggris, dan Australia Terlibat Kejahatan Kemanusiaan 1965 –
Amerika, Inggris dan Australia Terlibat Genosida 1965 di Indonesia – kbr 68h
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