Why the International People’s Tribunal?

There have been many efforts in the ‘reformasi’ era following the fall of Suharto to try to bring to justice those who continue to enjoy immunity. However, none has succeeded. Meticulous research conducted by scholars and survivors confirms that atrocities committed by the military and militias did indeed occur. Further, the Report of the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission has still not been accepted by the Attorney General. Therefore it cannot be presented to the House of Representatives, as before the President can establish an ad hoc human rights court, there needs to be approval of parliament.

Aims of the International People’s Tribunal

  1. To gain recognition from the international community that crimes against humanity were committed by the State in the period 1965 and thereafter; this recognition possibly to be in the form of a UN Resolution.
  2. To contribute to the restitution and restoration of victims and survivors and their families, for the crimes they experienced in 1965 and thereafter.
  3. To compile evidence of human rights abuses in Indonesia in 1965 and thereafter, in accordance with national laws and international standards.
  4. To contribute to the creation of a political climate in Indonesia where human rights are recognized and respected, in particular to encourage the implementation of the recommendations in the report of the National Human Rights Commission.
  5. To help prevent the recurrence of crimes against humanity, such as those which  happened in 1965 and thereafter, and help bring to an end immunity for the perpetrators of the violence.
  6. To encourage serious and ongoing international attention for the crimes against humanity that were committed by the Indonesian state in 1965 and beyond, as well as eventually gain support for a process to bring the perpetrators to justice. For example, by inviting the UN special rapporteur for human rights violations to Indonesia to investigate these crimes.

 When and Where will the Tribunal be held?

  1. The Tribunal will be held November 2015 in The Hague, to draw attention to the 50th  anniversary of the beginning of the mass murders.
  2. The judgment of the International People’s Tribunal for the 1965 Crimes Against Humanity in Indonesia will be delivered in Geneva after the Tribunal concludes, sometime in 2016

What will the International People’s Tribunal do after its conclusion?

  1. Advocacyto the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations to raise international attention and awareness of thecrimesagainst humanity committed inIndonesia after the events of
  2. AdvocacyinIndonesiato start the process ofbuilding a political, legalandsocialcultureto deal with the crimesagainst humanity committed inIndonesiain 1965 and beyond.
    Coordinate a media campaign about the crimes against humanity which took place in Indonesia after 1 October 1965, in order to create a climate where victims and their families can be rehabilitated and, if possible, receive compensation, with the eventual aim of achieving reconciliation in the country.
    4. Preparation of educational materials for specific groups, such as changing the school curriculum in relation to the events of 1965 and thereafter, because knowledge of this period is still dominated by military propaganda.

How we operate

As a people’s tribunal, the International People’s Tribunal (IPT) 1965 derives its power from the voices of victims, and of national and international civil societies. The IPT 1965 has the format of a formal human rights court.

It is not a criminal court in the sense that individual persons are indicted. The prosecutors will indict the state of Indonesia, based on the proofs presented of responsibility for the widespread and systematic crimes against humanity committed after the ‘events of 1965’ in Indonesia.

The proof presented consists of documents, audiovisual materials, statements of witnesses and other recognized legale means.

The power of this Tribunal is to examine the evidence, develop an accurate historical and scientific record and apply principles of International law to the facts as found.

The judges produce a verdict based on the material presented and call upon the Government of Indonesia to realize that so far they have failed to take legal and moral responsibility for the victims. This verdict can also be used as a basis for an UN resolution on these crimes.

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