
Breaking the Wall of Silence!

2015-01-14T21:14:15+01:00Januari 21st, 2015|Opini|

Nico Schulte Nordholt as keynote speaker on IPT website soft launching, December 17th 2014   Nico Schulte Nordholt Key-note Speech: Soft launching Website International People’s Tribunal, at IISG-Amsterdam, 17 December 2014 Today, two concepts stand central: silence and impunity, both closely intertwined. On the actual events of the coup-attempt in the night of [...]

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No more excuses

2014-12-16T17:27:39+01:00Desember 16th, 2014|Opini|

John Roosa Associate Professor, Department of History, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Fifty years of denials, evasions, and silences. Among the genocides of the twentieth century, the Indonesian genocide is perhaps the least under understood. It remains shrouded in obfuscations and mystifications, such that the identities of the perpetrators and victims have become wildly [...]

Tidak Ada Alasan Lagi (No more excuses)

2017-10-08T23:15:55+02:00Desember 16th, 2014|Opini|

John Roosa*   Lima puluh tahun penyangkalan , penghindaran dan kesenyapan. Dari sekian banyak genosida abad ke dua puluh, genosida yang terjadi di Indonesia mungkin yang paling sedikit dipahami. Peristiwa ini tetap terbungkus dalam upaya pengkaburan dan mistifikasi yg disengaja, sedemikian rupa sehingga siapa yang menjadi pelaku dan siapa yang menjadi korban telah dicampur adukkan [...]

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